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Reproducible Software with Python training course

This course is designed for participants with Python programming experience who would like to improve their development process.

JBI training course London UK

"I wanted to say this has been a really good course. The best one I have done. It's been very insightful and I have learnt a lot. Great solid foundation and goes in depth for OOP.DH, Software Engineer, OO Python, November 2024

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JBI training course London UK

The course offers a practical overview of basic software engineering techniques. These are the topics:

  • Creating environments and installing packages with conda and friends
  • Basics of version control with git
  • Testing basics with pytest
  • Explore Documentation with sphinx
  • Creating and deploying Python packages
  • Example project

  • Managing Environments: Set up and manage Python environments with conda.
  • Package Installation: Use pip and conda for installing dependencies.
  • Version Control Basics: Understand the fundamentals of git for version tracking.
  • Collaboration with GitHub: Learn how to collaborate using GitHub repositories.
  • Writing Tests with Pytest: Introduction to unit testing and using pytest.
  • Test Automation: Automate tests and integrate them into your development workflow.
  • Generating Documentation: Use Sphinx to create professional, readable documentation.
  • Code Quality Tools: Improve code quality with flake8 and black for linting and formatting.
  • Creating Python Packages: Learn how to structure and package your Python code for distribution.
  • Deploying Python Packages: Techniques for deploying your packages on PyPI and other platforms.
  • Project-Based Learning: Apply skills to an example project, incorporating all course concepts.
JBI training course London UK

This course is designed for participants with Python programming experience who would like to improve their development process.

Participants learn how to applies solid engineering techniques to their daily programming task


5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I wanted to say this has been a really good course. The best one I have done. It's been very insightful and I have learnt a lot. Great solid foundation and goes in depth for OOP.DH, Software Engineer, OO Python, November 2024

JBI training course London UK


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This course is designed for participants with Python programming experience who wish to enhance their development process. Participants will learn how to apply solid engineering practices to their daily programming tasks. It is strongly recommended to attend our Python for Programmers course beforehand, or possess equivalent Python knowledge, to fully benefit from this course.

Many Python users, including scientists and engineers, who programme and develop software, may not have formal training in software engineering. As a result, the software they create often falls short of established standards, which can have a significant impact on reproducibility.

This scenario is quite common: the programme worked fine yesterday, but today the results are different, and it's unclear what caused the change. Additionally, it can be difficult to locate the last working version. A solid understanding and application of fundamental software engineering techniques can greatly improve the reproducibility and reliability of software.

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