Expert-led training for your team

R training course

A comprehensive introduction to R - The language widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.

JBI training course London UK

"I enjoyed customising the training based on our needs and implementing data similar to that which we deal with. The business intelligence section of the course was very useful and the trainer ran the course at a good pace."

ES, Assistant Executive, R for Data Analytics,  May 2021

Public Courses

10/03/25 - 3 days
£1995 £1895
21/04/25 - 3 days
£1995 +VAT
02/06/25 - 3 days
£1995 +VAT

Customised Courses

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From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

  • Clean, normalise and gather data from Excel, SPSS, .csv and other sources 
  • Learn the basics of tidyverse
  • Perform exploratory data analysis
  • Combine ggplot2 and tidyverse to calculate meaningful summaries
  • Design effective data visualisations and produce them from your data 
  • Gain an introduction to Business Intelligence and its tools
  • Gain an introduction to Web Scraping: programmatically extracting links and images from websites
  • Learn about Web Scraping with HTML and CSS 
  • Automate scraping with functions and parallel programming
  • Create, obtain and design maps and geographic data 
  • Visualise geographic markets interactively with the leaflet package


Introduction to R and RStudio

•    Basics of the R language
•    Advantages of RStudio
•    Discovering, installing and using R packages

Data wrangling and tidyverse basics

•    Introduction
•    Importing data from Excel, .csv, SPSS and SAS files
•    Long vs Wide Data
•    Data.frames, tibbles and tidy data
•    Factors, Dates and other data types


Exploratory Data Analysis

•    Introduction
•    Summary statistics
•    Cross-tabulation and hierarchical group summaries
•    Quickly visualise and explore datasets with ggplot2

Business Intelligence

•    Introduction
•    Design effective data visualisations
•    Create functions to automate repetitive tasks
•    Use RMarkdown to create PDF, HTML and MS Word reports



Web scraping

•    Introduction
•    HTML and CSS basics for web scraping
•    Extracting links with rvest
•    Automating scraping with functions and parallel programming

Maps and Geographic Data

•    Introduction
•    Creating geoscatterplots
•    Obtaining shapefiles to create choropleth
•    Designing effective choropleth with leaflet


JBI training course London UK

This course is aimed at those who want to incorporate R into their data analysis and business intelligence, particularly to replace existing Excel-based workflows. You’ll leave the course confident in using R to empower business decisions and harnessing data to understand and better communicate with your customers

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I enjoyed customising the training based on our needs and implementing data similar to that which we deal with. The business intelligence section of the course was very useful and the trainer ran the course at a good pace."

ES, Assistant Executive, R for Data Analytics,  May 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022

JBI training course London UK


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Our R for data analysts training course is designed for teams looking to replace or augment Excel, SPSS or SAS workflows with R.

It will help you gain a clear understanding of the principles of data analysis and wrangling, and how to use the versatile R programming language for data analysis.   

We will cover many different data formats and topics, so you will have the skills necessary to start working in R with most types of data. 


+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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