Expert-led training for your team

Angular training course

Learn To Develop Engaging, Single Page Web Applications With Angular

JBI training course London UK

"I found the course very engaging and interesting - best course yet! Each new item that we learned was contextualised very well. The exercises were also a great idea to reinforce what we had learned and highlight what we needed to look back on."

AA, Consultant, Angular, April 2021

Public Courses

28/10/24 - 3 days
£1795 +VAT
09/12/24 - 3 days
£1795 +VAT
20/01/25 - 3 days
£1795 +VAT

Customised Courses

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From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

  • Gain an introduction to Angular
  • Discuss Angular vs. Angular 1 vs. jQuery
  • Write a Hello World program and learn about  Components and bindings
  • Learn To develop engaging, Single Page web applications with Angular
  • Learn about strong typing and TypeScript / ES6 / ES7
  • Explore Patterns and DI: Learn How DI works in Angular
  • Utilise JavaScript with IIFE and closure 
  • Explore Test methods and Test Automation
  • Create Forms with validation and watching
  • Build Pipes and built-in pipes
  • Explore Components and Services
  • Learn more about RXJS, AJAX, REST and JSONP
  • Utilise Bare Components and Directives
  • Learn how Routing works with HTML5, SPA and SEO
  • Understand IVY to generate readable code


  • Current Angular version vs previous Angular versions (especially Angular 1)
  • Component based architecture vs. MVC
  • Angular  vs. jQuery


  • Hello World
  • Binding actions
  • Binding to the DOM
  • Binding to attributes
  • Templates
  • Backtick inline template syntax
  • binding events
  • Throwing custom events
  • Transclusion
  • One way binding
  • Two way binding
  • Nesting Components

TypeScript / ES6 / ES7

  • Angular  with ES5
  • Transpiling
  • Annotations
  • Strong Typing
  • Classes
  • Fat Arrows
  • Babel
  • Traceur
  • IE compatibility and polyfills
  • Reflection and Metadata


  • DI with ES5 and TypeScript
  • How DI works in Angular
  • Annotations
  • Decorators
  • Writing a decorator
  • Leveraging the Shadow DOM


  • IIFE
  • Closure


  • Karma
  • Protractor
  • Test Automation


  • Validation
  • Watching


  • Built in pipes
  • Building a pipe
  • Components
  • Classes
  • Decorators
  • Services


  • Observables
  • Streams
  • Observables with AJAX
  • Debouncing


  • REST
  • CORS


  • Bare Components
  • Building a directive


  • How Routing works
  • HTML5 mode
  • SPA
  • SEO
  • Accessibility


  • Generated code that is easier to read and debug at runtime
  • Faster re-build time
  • Improved payload size (Real world applications should see some size improvements, but many more improvements are planned)
  • Improved template type checking
  • Great backwards compatibility
JBI training course London UK

Web and IT professionals who know Javascript and wish to progress and take advantage of the latest libraries. is built with Angular - it gives you one of the most precise weather forecasting reports and is highly recommended. It gives you weather updates from all over the world which keeps on updating at regular intervals.


5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I found the course very engaging and interesting - best course yet! Each new item that we learned was contextualised very well. The exercises were also a great idea to reinforce what we had learned and highlight what we needed to look back on."

AA, Consultant, Angular, April 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK



Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to stay updated with world-class technology training opportunities, including Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security. Our Power BI Training Course is especially popular.  Gain new skills, useful tips, and validate your expertise with an industry-leading organisation, all tailored to your schedule and learning preferences.

Our Angular training course  gives web developers a focused hands-on experience in which they can explore and build single page HTML5 apps using Google's exciting clientside MVC framework Angular. This is a practical course aimed at developing real world skills.

Google's Angular allows you to build applications and reuse your code, as well as deploy for any platform; web, mobile web, native mobile and desktop.

Angular promises high speed and control over scalability by building data models on RxJS and Immutable.js

Angular's new tooling allows developers to build features quickly, with simple, declarative templates.

Updates regarding Application Performance, Angular Material & CDK, Virtual Scrolling, Improved Accessibility of Selects, now supports Content Projection using web standard for custom elements, and dependency updates

    Angular 8 includes Differential Loading of Modern JavaScript, Opt-in Ivy Preview, Angular Router Backwards Compatibility, Improved Web Worker Bundling, Opt-In Usage Sharing, Dependency Updates

Ivy full version is due to revolutionise Angular, by making development smaller, faster and simpler - IVY is an initiative to build a next-generation rendering pipeline for Angular, and, for this, the Angular team re-wrote the code that translates the Angular template to whatever we rendered in the browser. It uses the incremental DOM.

JBI run public Angular  courses in London and custom onsite Angular training at your UK or worldwide offices.

We can make our custom Angular training even more engaging and relevant by encouraging delegates to use their own corporate data .

Angular training courses are available for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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