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Git for Beginners training course

Version control is at the centre of any file based project. Whether, you're a software developer, project manager, team member, student, or anyone who works on file based projects, keeping track of changes is essential to creating a great product. In this course you'll learn the popular version control system Git and why it plays a significant role in creating better projects.

JBI training course London UK

"I really liked how the lab work was integrated throughout the course"  

JS, Software Developer, May 22

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JBI training course London UK

  • Installation and Configuration
  • Key Terminology
  • Git - Local Repository Actions
  • Git - Remote Repository Actions
  • Tagging in Git
  • Branching in Git
  • Git Workflows
  • Git - Stashing Changes
  • Advanced Branching and Merging

Module 1: Introduction

•    What is a Version Control System (VCS)?
•    Distributed vs Non-distributed VCS
•    What is Git and where did it come from?
•    Alternatives to Git
•    Cloud-based solutions (Github, Gitlab, BitBucket etc)

Module 2: Installation and Configuration

•    Obtaining Git
•    Installing Git
•    Common configuration options
•    GUI tools

Module 3: Key Terminology

•    Clone
•    Working Tree
•    Checkout
•    Staging area
•    Add
•    Commit
•    Push
•    Pull
•    Stash

Module 4: Git - Local Repository Actions

•    Creating a repository (git init)
•    Checking status (git status)
•    Adding files to a repository (git add)
•    Committing files (git commit)
•    Removing staged files (git reset)
•    Removing committed files (git rm)
•    Checking logs (git log)

Module 5: Git - Remote Repository Actions

•    Creating a remote repository (git init)
•    Cloning repositories (git clone)
•    Updating the remote repository from the
•    local (git push)
•    Updating the local repository from the
•    remote (git pull)

Module 6 - Tagging in Git

•    What are Git Tags?
•    Listing tags
•    Lightweight tags
•    Displaying tag details (tag show)
•    Annotated tags
•    Checking out tags
•    Pushing tags
•    Pulling tags

Module 7: Branching in Git

•    What is a branch
•    HEAD
•    Listing branches
•    Create new branch
•    Checkout branch
•    Pushing branches
•    Pulling branches

Module 8: Merging in Git

•    Fetching Changes (git fetch)
•    Rebasing (git rebase)
•    Git Pull

Module 9: Git Workflows

•    Different ways of using Git
•    Centralised
•    Feature Branch
•    Gitflow Workflow
•    Forking Workflow

Module 10: Git - Stashing Changes

•    What is Stashing?
•    Using Stash
•    Creating a branch from a Stash

Module 11: Advanced Repository Actions

•    Removing untracked files (git clean)
•    Remove staged changes (git reset)
•    Revert a commit (git revert)
•    Checkout a previous commit (git checkout)

Module 12: Advanced Branching and Merging

•    Deleting a Branch
•    Fast forward merge
•    Three-way merge
•    Resolving merge conflicts


JBI training course London UK

This course is for developers and system administrators who want to really understand Git. Whether you just started using Git, or you've been using it every day for months - this course will ensure you have a mastery of the basics

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I really liked how the lab work was integrated throughout the course"  

JS, Software Developer, May 22

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK


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Our Git training course sjows you how Git lets users build an archive of their work and make changes more quickly and easily since everything is documented. It also lets users start the process of shared source code collaboration by allowing teams of developers to work with each other more efficiently across multiple devices.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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