"I really liked how the lab work was integrated throughout the course"
JS, Software Developer, May 22
What is GitLab
Today's Software Delivery Landscape
GitLab Workflow and Example
What is CI/CD
GitLab's CI/CD Workflow
Why Use CI/CD
GitLab CI/CD Basic Flow
Configuration File and Runners
Runner Architecture
Runner Characteristics and Types
Advanced Runner Options
Common Executors
Anatomy of a CI/CD Pipeline
Basic Pipeline Builds
Directed Acyclic Graph Pipelines
Child and Parent Pipelines
GitLab Pipeline Graph
.gitlab-ci.yml Example
Basic Parameters: Definitions and Examples
Create a CI/CD Pipeline
Define a Pipeline with Environments
Variable Hierarchy
Artifact Hierarchy
What are Package and Container Registries?
GitLab Docker Registry
"I really liked how the lab work was integrated throughout the course"
JS, Software Developer, May 22
“JBI did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”
Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022
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Our Git training course sjows you how Git lets users build an archive of their work and make changes more quickly and easily since everything is documented. It also lets users start the process of shared source code collaboration by allowing teams of developers to work with each other more efficiently across multiple devices.
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