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Intro to AI/ML and Data Science with Python training course

Learn Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Python. This course covers essential tools like Pandas, Matplotlib & Scikit-Learn.

JBI training course London UK

"The course was professionally run and I liked that it is interactive with exercises of how AI is used. The instructor is very knowledgeable on the subject and enthusiastic about machine learning" YZ, Software developer, Python AI & ML, May 2022

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JBI training course London UK

  • Distinguish between Predictive AI and Generative AI.
  • Turn business questions into Machine Learning tasks for data-driven decisions.
  • Use Python (Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn) to explore and visualise data from various sources.
  • Train a Machine Learning Classifier with Scikit-Learn (Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks).
  • Segment customer markets with K-Means and Hierarchical algorithms.
  • Uncover hidden customer behaviours with Association Rules and build a Recommendation Engine.
  • Analyse relationships using Social Network Analysis.
  • Create predictive models (e.g. revenue) with Linear Regression.
  • Test your skills with the end-of-course exam.
  • Access continued support with one-on-one instructor coaching and computing sandbox.



Module 1: The Role of a Data Scientist

  • Key skills required for a Data Scientist.
  • Combining technical and non-technical roles.
  • Differences between Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
  • The full lifecycle of Data Science within an organisation.
  • Translating business questions into AI/ML models.
  • Exploring diverse data sources for business insights.
  • Generative AI vs. Discriminative AI.

Module 2: Data Manipulation and Visualisation with Python

  • Key Python features for Data Scientists.
  • Using Pandas to view and manipulate data.
  • Importing/exporting data (Databases, Google Images, etc.).
  • Selecting, filtering, and applying functions with Pandas.
  • Handling duplicates, missing values, and data normalisation.
  • Visualising data with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.

Module 3: Preprocessing Unstructured Data with NLP

  • Preprocessing unstructured data (web ads, emails, blogs).
  • Common NLP techniques: stemming and stop words.
  • Creating term-document matrices for analysis.
  • Integrating Large Language Models (LLMs).

Module 4: Linear Regression and Feature Engineering

  • Solving business problems with linear regression (e.g., revenue prediction).
  • Identifying predictors for target variables.
  • Evaluating regression models using RMSE.
  • Using feature engineering to improve models.

Module 5: Classification Models and Evaluation

  • Building and using AI/ML classifiers (e.g., Customer Churn).
  • Training, testing, and validating classification models.
  • Evaluating decision tree classifier performance.

Module 6: Alternative Classification Approaches

  • Exploring alternative classification methods.
  • Understanding the role of activation functions in Logistic Regression.
  • Using Neural Networks and Deep Learning (e.g., self-driving cars).
  • Probability foundations of Naive Bayes classifiers.
  • Evaluating classification models (ROC, AUC, Precision, Recall, etc.).

Module 7: Clustering for Customer and Product Segmentation

  • Segmenting customers/products with clustering algorithms.
  • Implementing similarity measures in Python.
  • Top-down clustering with K-Means.
  • Bottom-up clustering with hierarchical algorithms.
  • Clustering unstructured data (e.g., Tweets, Emails).

Module 8: Association Rules and Recommender Systems

  • Modelling customer behaviour with Association Rules.
  • Evaluating models using support, confidence, and lift.
  • Feature engineering to enhance models.
  • Building custom recommender systems.

Module 9: Network Analysis for Insights

  • Analysing organisational relationships through network analysis.
  • Visualising connections to uncover business insights.
  • Ego-centric vs. socio-centric analysis.

Module 10: Big Data Analytics, Communication, and Ethics

  • Cloud-based Big Data analytics (Microsoft, Amazon, Google).
  • Communicating and handling ethics in Data Science.
  • Discussing AI ethics and future implications.
  • Exploring continuous learning paths for Data Scientists.


JBI training course London UK

This course is ideal for aspiring Data Scientists, analysts, or anyone interested in gaining practical skills in AI and Machine Learning using Python.

It’s suitable for professionals in business, finance, marketing, or tech who want to harness data for decision-making and build predictive models. A basic understanding of Python is recommended, but no prior AI or ML experience is necessary.




5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"The course was professionally run and I liked that it is interactive with exercises of how AI is used. The instructor is very knowledgeable on the subject and enthusiastic about machine learning" YZ, Software developer, Python AI & ML, May 2022

JBI training course London UK


Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to receive technology tips directly from our instructors - Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security.

Data science is rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in today’s job market, with businesses increasingly relying on data-driven insights for decision-making. This course is designed to give you the essential skills and knowledge you need to thrive in this dynamic field.

You’ll begin by understanding the role of a Data Scientist and how data science projects flow within an organisation. From there, you'll get hands-on experience with Python, learning to manipulate and visualise data with popular libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. You'll also learn to preprocess unstructured data and work with AI/ML models to solve business challenges.

Key topics covered include machine learning algorithms like linear regression, decision trees, and clustering, alongside practical applications such as predicting customer churn and building recommendation systems. Through engaging projects and exercises, you’ll apply your learning to real-world scenarios, ensuring you gain practical experience to boost your career.

By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the foundational data science skills needed to tackle complex business problems and make data-driven decisions.

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