Expert-led training for your team

Oracle Performance Tuning training course

Ensure High Performance Oracle Databases For Your Organisation

JBI training course London UK

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

Public Courses

14/04/25 - 3 days
£1800 +VAT
26/05/25 - 3 days
£1800 +VAT
07/07/25 - 3 days
£1800 +VAT

Customised Courses

* Train a team
* Tailor content
* Flex dates
From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

•    Introduce Cost Based, Rule Based (little),
•    optimizer management of SQL  
•    Understanding Selectivity General approaches to table  and   Index usage (15% rule)
•    Optimizer Access Methods and Paths
•    Common Optimizer Join methods  (including nested loops, sort merge, hash join, anti join, semi join, star join)  -  appropriateness of use
•    Optional Chasing poorly performing SQL using V$ approaches
•    Optional Chasing poorly performing SQL using  AWR and ASH outputs
•    Generating and understanding  Explain tables using common tools ( autotrace ,  DBMS_XPLAN,  Optional AWR-based)
•    Effective use of indexes in SQL  (including bitmap, bitmap join, function driven, reverse, descending, composite, unique, non-unique, compressed)
Gathering stats
Exporting stats
Setting stats for deliberate effect
Index Dead leaf analysis,  Block Chaining analysis
Collecting Histogram data for better index use
•    More about scans:  Table scans,  Index Scans, sample scans, high water mark
Index fast Full vs Range vs skip scans
•    Composite index tricks  
•    Using Index Only Tables (IOT)
•    Advantages to using Global Temporary tables
•    Using Compressed Tables
•    Optional Using Partition tables ( quick introduction )
Use of indexes (local vs global vs Ordinary)
Types of Partition Pruning
•    Powerful and useful SQL Hints  ( e.g. optimizer_features_enable order, leading, index, use_*  rule, dynamic_sampling )
•     Using Hints with views
•    Oracle 11.2 new parallel approaches  
•    Optional Using Parallel Queries and DML to advantage
•    Ansi Join coding  vs traditional Oracle outer Joins
         -- gaining extra speed with full outer joins
•    More effective use of bind variables  (cursor_sharing = similar)
•    Optional Oracle adaptive cursors
•    Optional Oracle11.2 SQL Plan Management
•    Advantages to using Dynamic SQL approaches
•    “When to use“ SQL language techniques  including . . .
Exists vs In
Not exists vs Not in
    Having vs Where
    “Why rollup/Cube Analytics are so fast”
    Rollup / Cube  vs Union
    Implicit conversion problems
    Suppressing indexes (deliberate and otherwise)
    Comparing inline vs group by vs select inline     
•    Optional Brief introduction to Materialized views
•    Optional using the result cache
•    Using Cache hint management
•    Optional Oracle 11.2 new parallel approaches  
•    Building and using SQL Tuning Sets
•    Command line interface to SQL Tuning Advisor
•    Optional Taking advantage of the SQL Access advisor
•    Optional Understanding Oracle12 Dynamic plans and re-optimization

This course provides a series of progressive and thoughtful exercises to reinforce course teaching.  Exercises range  from Try-This-Now quick work to longer, more thoughtful  approaches. Typically, course content is organised so that for every hour of the course, delegates have an exercise to do

Each Delegate Receives
1.    A workbook with a set of course foils and exercises
2.    A course disk with exercises and solutions where appropriate. Exercises include tables and data so that work can be repeated later.

.Please Note
This course does not include DBA responsible Server SQL tuning.  These techniques and skills are separately available.


•    Introduce Cost Based, Rule Based (little),
•    optimizer management of SQL  
•    Understanding Selectivity General approaches to table  and   Index usage (15% rule)
•    Optimizer Access Methods and Paths
•    Common Optimizer Join methods  (including nested loops, sort merge, hash join, anti join, semi join, star join)  -  appropriateness of use
•    Optional Chasing poorly performing SQL using V$ approaches
•    Optional Chasing poorly performing SQL using  AWR and ASH outputs
•    Generating and understanding  Explain tables using common tools ( autotrace ,  DBMS_XPLAN,  Optional AWR-based)
•    Effective use of indexes in SQL  (including bitmap, bitmap join, function driven, reverse, descending, composite, unique, non-unique, compressed)
Gathering stats
Exporting stats
Setting stats for deliberate effect
Index Dead leaf analysis,  Block Chaining analysis
Collecting Histogram data for better index use
•    More about scans:  Table scans,  Index Scans, sample scans, high water mark
Index fast Full vs Range vs skip scans
•    Composite index tricks  
•    Using Index Only Tables (IOT)
•    Advantages to using Global Temporary tables
•    Using Compressed Tables
•    Optional Using Partition tables ( quick introduction )
Use of indexes (local vs global vs Ordinary)
Types of Partition Pruning
•    Powerful and useful SQL Hints  ( e.g. optimizer_features_enable order, leading, index, use_*  rule, dynamic_sampling )
•     Using Hints with views
•    Oracle 11.2 new parallel approaches  
•    Optional Using Parallel Queries and DML to advantage
•    Ansi Join coding  vs traditional Oracle outer Joins
         -- gaining extra speed with full outer joins
•    More effective use of bind variables  (cursor_sharing = similar)
•    Optional Oracle adaptive cursors
•    Optional Oracle11.2 SQL Plan Management
•    Advantages to using Dynamic SQL approaches
•    “When to use“ SQL language techniques  including . . .
Exists vs In
Not exists vs Not in
    Having vs Where
    “Why rollup/Cube Analytics are so fast”
    Rollup / Cube  vs Union
    Implicit conversion problems
    Suppressing indexes (deliberate and otherwise)
    Comparing inline vs group by vs select inline     
•    Optional Brief introduction to Materialized views
•    Optional using the result cache
•    Using Cache hint management
•    Optional Oracle 11.2 new parallel approaches  
•    Building and using SQL Tuning Sets
•    Command line interface to SQL Tuning Advisor
•    Optional Taking advantage of the SQL Access advisor
•    Optional Understanding Oracle12 Dynamic plans and re-optimization

This course provides a series of progressive and thoughtful exercises to reinforce course teaching.  Exercises range  from Try-This-Now quick work to longer, more thoughtful  approaches. Typically, course content is organised so that for every hour of the course, delegates have an exercise to do

Each Delegate Receives
1.    A workbook with a set of course foils and exercises
2.    A course disk with exercises and solutions where appropriate. Exercises include tables and data so that work can be repeated later.

JBI training course London UK

Application developers and designers, DBAs and support staff who already use SQL  and who need to know more about designing for, and evaluating SQL performance!


Delegates must be familiar with

1) Their chosen underlying operating system (typically Windows or UNIX-based flavour)

2) Basic  SQL statements including the Select, Insert, Update, Delete,  Create / Drop index,  primary key / foreign key builds  

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK


Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to receive technology tips directly from our instructors - Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security.

Our Oracle SQL Performance and tuning training course is there to ensure that performance is considered when designing, coding and then later maintaining Oracle applications in production.

SQL Performance is always in an issue when designing, and later maintaining applications. Oracle systems today offer many different approaches to managing small and large tables effectively.  The performance options available have never been more varied and complex for designers and developers to choose from. 

This –very hands on- course provides a thorough grounding in the basic techniques required to code and evaluate different Oracle SQL approaches for solving challenging business problems.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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