Expert-led training for your team

Coding for Non-Coders training course

Gain elementary skills in coding - Improve your understanding of Software Development

JBI training course London UK

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

Public Courses

26/08/24 - 2 days
£1200 +VAT
07/10/24 - 2 days
£1200 +VAT
18/11/24 - 2 days
£1200 +VAT

Customised Courses

* Train a team
* Tailor content
* Flex dates
From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

  • Gain an introduction to coding for the web
  • Gain an Overview of web technologies
  • Learn Web Development Terminology
  • Mainstream technologies and languages
  • Explore HTML, CSS, etc interact
  • Go through HTML intro & Lab: Apply CSS to HTML Documents
  • CSS intro & Lab / DOM intro & Lab
  • Experience JavaScript intro & Lab
  • Exercise – Adding functionality with JavaScript 
  • The future: Learn about the feature technologies 

Module 1: Introduction

  •  Overview of web technologies – what are they, how do they work together
  •  HTML/5, CSS/3, JavaScript, JS libraries and frameworks e.g. jQuery, Client/server, AJAX
  • Testing, testing …
  •  Browsers
  •  Compatibility
  •   Standards & reusability
  •   Developer tools to use on the course
  •   Exercise – Set-up your system ready to go

Module 2: HTML

  •  Structure
  •  Keywords (Tags) overview
  •  What is HTML5 and what does it provide
  •  Using the most popular tags
  •  Exercise – Build basic HTML content

Module 3: CSS

  •    CSS structure
  •    Applying CSS to HTML Documents
  •    Using the most popular CSS properties
  •     CSS Web Site Design – layout
  •      One Size fits all with CSS (Responsive design)
  •    What is CSS3 and why would I use it
  •     Exercise – Making your page Stylish

Module 4: DOM

  •    What is the DOM and how does it relate to webpages
  •    HTML and the DOM
  •   JavaScript and the DOM
  •   Exercise – Animating your webpage


Module 5: JavaScript

  •   What is JavaScript?
  •    How is it used on a webpage?
  •    JavaScript or framework/library
  •    What are objects and why should I care?
  •     Exercise – Adding functionality


Module 6: The future

  •  Future technologies – Angular, React & Flux, MongoDB
  •  Fashions and fads
  •  Development practices – Agile & the web project
JBI training course London UK

Anyone wanting to get an introduction to coding

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK



Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to stay updated with world-class technology training opportunities, including Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security. Our Power BI Training Course is especially popular.  Gain new skills, useful tips, and validate your expertise with an industry-leading organisation, all tailored to your schedule and learning preferences.

Our Coding training course is a perfect way to have a gentle look at the world of software development for the first time, It  is perfectly placed to enable you to communicate and work more effectively with your own technical community whilst also developing the skills to produce simple interactive and engaging web applications yourself.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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