" I enjoyed the depth that we covered analytical techniques such as anomaly detection and cluster analysis, whilst improving my knowledge on DAX and KPIs. "BC, Performance analyst, Data Analysis with Power BI, May 2023
This course is aimed at delegates who feel comfortable using Power BI's basic features and who are looking to take the tool to the next level of Data Analysis and who would also like to get a gentle introduction to Python.
" I enjoyed the depth that we covered analytical techniques such as anomaly detection and cluster analysis, whilst improving my knowledge on DAX and KPIs. "BC, Performance analyst, Data Analysis with Power BI, May 2023
Watch live client feedback from Data Analytics courses:
“JBI did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices - very impressive” Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2024
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Our Power BI Data Analysis training course is aimed at delegates who want to get more out of their data using a combination of Power BI's inbuilt tools and simple DAX and Python coding to help with more complex data analysis and predictive modelling tasks.
This is a gentle introduction to Data Analysis and Data Science and should appeal to the more adventurous Power BI users, who need to step up a level, without the need for a formal Data Science background.
The course is a fully hands-on, 100% practical one in which you will test different ways of analysing your data to answer questions like: What are my forecasted sales for next year? Why are employees leaving? What is the ideal staff number for my call centre? How can I analyse sentiment on Twitter posts?
A simple scenario that may be covered on the course is visually displaying how to predict your profit if sales increase. “What If” parameters allow you to create different scenarios in which you can dynamically change the value of one parameter and see the effect of this change on your measure.
You will compare different methods of creating visuals based on Data Analysis and Machine Learning, R and Python. You will create a visual that explains the key factors that influence your clients to come back... And many other case scenarios.
You can also take a sample of your data (in excel or csv format) and apply algorithms.
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