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R - Reporting & Dashboards with Shiny training course

Create Commercial Dashboards and Reports with R and Shiny

JBI training course London UK

"I enjoyed the in depth look into R with Shiny, and the course has given clarity over ways to improve reports, including the use of interactive charts through plotly and highcharter." 

HS, Executive, R with Shiny, May 2021

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31/03/25 - 2 days
£1495 +VAT
12/05/25 - 2 days
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23/06/25 - 2 days
£1495 +VAT

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JBI training course London UK

  • Gain an introduction to data wrangling & exploratory data analysis 
  • Learn how to clean, normalise and gather data with tidyverse
  • Design static and interactive Business Intelligence charts that are understandable at a glance  
  • Visualise and compare data from different regions using GIS, Maps and Geographic Data
  • Gain an introduction to reports with RMarkdown 
  • Create rich, interactive reports in multiple formats including PDF, HTML and MS Word
  • Create dashboards with Shiny ( an open-source R package ) that helps you build web apps
  • Design responsive web applications for your customers and colleagues to query datasets

Introduction to R and RStudio

•    Basics of the R language
•    Advantages of RStudio
•    Discovering, installing and using R packages

Data wrangling and tidyverse basics

•    Introduction
•    Importing data from Excel, .csv, SPSS and SAS files
•    Long vs Wide Data
•    Data.frames, tibbles and tidy data
•    Factors, Dates and other data types

 Business Intelligence charts

•    Introduction
•    Designing print-quality charts with ggplot2
•    Principles of effective data visualisation design
•    Create interactive BI charts with plotly and highcharter
•    Create GIF to communicate BI data over time

Maps and Geographic Data

•    Introduction
•    Creating geoscatterplots
•    Obtaining shapefiles to create choropleth
•    Designing effective choropleth with leaflet

Reports with RMarkdown

•    Introduction
•    Designing print-quality PDF reports
•    Designing interactive reports for the web
•    Simplify monthly/quarterly reporting with parameterised RMarkdown reports

Dashboards with Shiny

•    Introduction
•    Basics of dashboard design with Shiny
•    Creating data-driven controls in Shiny apps
•    Integrating interactive dataviz into Shiny apps
•    Basics of deploying Shiny apps to the web


JBI training course London UK

This course is aimed at those that want to create reports or dashboards from existing R code or for teams who are considering replacing alternatives like Tableau and Microsoft PowerBI with Shiny. You’ll leave the course confident in users R to create clean, mobile-ready dashboards and reports.


5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I enjoyed the in depth look into R with Shiny, and the course has given clarity over ways to improve reports, including the use of interactive charts through plotly and highcharter." 

HS, Executive, R with Shiny, May 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK


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Our R for Reporting and Dashboards training course is designed for teams looking to create reports and dashboards programmatically from R. Many users look to R and Shiny as an alternative to Tableau, ClickView or Microsoft’s PowerBI.

It will help you leverage business intelligence in reports and dashboards that your customers and colleagues will enjoy using – including on mobile devices.

We will cover the basics of preparing data for use with R and then introduce an array of data visualisation tools. At the end of the course, you will have the necessary skills to start building powerful reports and dashboards.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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