Expert-led training for your team

Professional Code Practices training course

Gain the skills to develop good quality, readable, maintainable code

JBI training course London UK

"This course was very useful to build on my coding skills and develop myself into a high quality software engineer. Ensuring that I use the correct procedures and patterns were the most notable units for me."

WM, Software Engineer, Professional Code Practices, March 2021

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JBI training course London UK

  • Introduction to Professional code development standards
  • Naming standards
  • Formatting and building for readability
  • Comment style
  • Approaches to programming– Imperative, declarative

1. Course introduction

2. Introduction to Professional code development standards

Why is some code bad?
Benefits of code standards
Quality code
Practical – given an existing piece of JavaScript code, work out what it does

3. Naming standards

Industry standards
Best practice naming standards
What to apply naming standards to
Practical – using the code you were given previously, create (and code) good naming standards for all applicable areas of the code.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

4. Formatting and building for readability

Prettifying code
Structure, why it matters
Repetition, the DRY principle
Function size and structure
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) redesign the code to use better format and function style.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

5. Comment style

Benefits of commenting
Comment style
What to comment
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) add any comments you feel are necessary.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

6. Approaches to programming– Imperative, declarative

Explanation of different approaches
Benefits and drawbacks of each style
Examples of the same code written in the two different styles

7. Programming paradigms good practice – OOP, Functional, Procedural

Explanation of different paradigms
Good style for each paradigm
Examination of example code written in the different styles
Good practice for Class and object design - inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) design and build suitable object classes.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

8. S/W development patterns

Programming patterns introduction
Pro’s and con’s of patterns
Example JavaScript patterns
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) rewrite the code so it uses the Memoisation pattern.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

9. Robust code – error handling and other techniques

Don’t trust data
Write error handling first
Return values from functions
Fail not fall
Good error messages
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) add any error handling you feel is necessary.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.

10. Code smells

General code smells
JavaScript specific code smells
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) review and critique the code to see if you can identify any remaining code smells.

11. A consideration of testing effectiveness

Unit testing
What to test
When to test
Practical – Using the last code you used (from the other team) plan and develop suitable tests.  Swap your code with the next team, review and critique their work.




JBI training course London UK

IT Staff including Developers, Analysts, Testers and Managers working in a Software Development Environment

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"This course was very useful to build on my coding skills and develop myself into a high quality software engineer. Ensuring that I use the correct procedures and patterns were the most notable units for me."

WM, Software Engineer, Professional Code Practices, March 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK


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