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Android Training Course

12 August 2022

Government Developers gain deeper understanding of Android app development

A large governmental department requested a training course from JBI training for Android app development so that they can train new employees and enhance their Android application.

Android operating systems are the most used by a significant margin worldwide, with a market share of around 70%, which is over twice as much as the Apple iOS operating system and the two systems split the UK market. This means that developing and maintaining a high quality Android app is incredibly important for the department to deliver information and services to both tourists and residents. Another benefit for the department to receive high quality training from JBI and therefore producing top calibre developers is that they can develop very secure applications because android app development implemented in-built security features to prevent against malware and viruses. A major benefit to using the Android app development is the simplicity of customisable UI with diverse features such as email, click to call, user reviews, multimedia tools and more, which will increase the apps engagement and usefulness to both the users and with feedback the department. Android apps also have a very fast development cycle benefitting the developers by enabling fast updates and fixes to errors or bugs.

Following the request for training, JBI instigated regular communication with the governmental department in order to tailor the course to the needs of the department. The training course therefore had a focus on the type of Android application the department were using, developing exercises and demonstration on the specifics of the problems they may face. JBI set out a set of learning outcomes that must be achieved to ensure sufficient understanding had been reached:

  • Gain an introduction to Android 
  • Create and deploy Android apps
  • Develop well optimised, good looking and functional GUI applications
  • Utilise existing APIs and libraries
  • Tap into GPS to create location-sensitive apps
  • Learn about Android application design approach
  • Utilise Coding Best Practices and techniques
  • Develop Android Apps - Reach A Growing And Powerful Mobile Web Audience

The training course took place face to face in the office of the governmental department and was attended by several employees, who returned very positive feedback forms:

“I really enjoyed the practice work on the Android app as well as the content on location sensitive tools in apps.” DS, Software Developer

“I liked that a wide depth of knowledge was provided with real world anecdotes which gave more view of the knowledge in reality. I liked that there was discussions about how we may already be doing some of the concepts and what tools we may be using in relation to it.” JV, Junior Developer

For further information, please see the links below:

Android training course

Android Porting training course

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About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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