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How to Use Type Guards in TypeScript

4 April 2023

How to Use Type Guards in TypeScript

How to Use Type Guards in TypeScript

 TypeScript provides type guards as a way to narrow down the type of a variable based on a specific condition. In this how-to guide, I will explain how to use type guards in TypeScript and provide some code examples.

 Step 1: Defining a Type Guard

 A type guard is a function that returns a boolean value and is used to narrow down the type of a variable based on a specific condition. Here's an example of a type guard that checks if a variable is a string:


function isString(value: unknown): value is string {

  return typeof value === 'string';


 The ‘unknown’ type allows any value to be passed in. The function then checks if the value is a string and returns a boolean value. The value is string syntax is used to indicate that the function returns a type predicate.

 Step 2: Using a Type Guard

Once you have defined a type guard, you can use it to narrow down the type of a variable in your code. Here's an example:

function logLength(value: unknown) {

  if (isString(value)) {


  } else {

    console.log('Value is not a string.');



 In this example, the ‘isString type guard is used to check if the value is a string. If it is, the length of the string is logged to the console. If it's not a string, a message is logged instead.

 Step 3: Creating Custom Type Guards

You can also create custom type guards for more complex types. Here's an example of a custom type guard for checking if an object has a ‘name’ property:


interface Person {

  name: string;

  age: number;



function hasNameProperty(value: unknown): value is Person {

  return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && 'name' in value;


 The ‘unknown’ type is used to allow any value to be passed in. The function then checks if the value is an object, not null, and has a ‘name’ property. The ‘value is Person’ syntax is used to indicate that the function returns a type predicate for the ‘Person’ interface.

 Step 4: Using Custom Type Guards

 Once you have defined a custom type guard, you can use it to narrow down the type of a variable in your code. Here's an example:


function logPersonName(person: unknown) {

  if (hasNameProperty(person)) {


  } else {

    console.log('Value is not a person.');



 In this example, the ‘hasNamePropertycustom type guard is used to check if the person variable has a ‘name’ property. If it does, the name is logged to the console. If not, a message is logged instead.


In this how-to guide, I have explained how to use type guards in TypeScript, including defining a type guard, using a type guard, creating custom type guards, and using custom type guards. By using type guards, you can write more robust and error-free code in TypeScript. 

Official Documentation:

For more information about using type guards in TypeScript, you can refer to the official TypeScript documentation:


I hope this guide helps you get started with using type guards in TypeScript.

We would recommend our course in TypeScript.


About the author: Daniel West

Tech Blogger & Researcher for JBI Training

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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