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Using z-index in React.js: A Step-by-Step Guide

6 April 2023

Using z-index in React.js: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: In React.js, the z-index CSS property is used to control the order in which elements are displayed on top of one another. In this guide, we'll show you how to use z-index in your React.js components and provide code examples to help you get started.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Define a style object: The first step in using z-index in React.js is to define a style object that includes the CSS properties you want to apply to your component. Be sure to include the z-index property in your object.


const styles = { zIndex: 1 };

  1. Apply the style object to your component: Once you have defined your style object, you can apply it to your component using the style attribute.


<div style={styles}> // Your component's content here </div>

  1. Change the z-index value as needed: If you need to change the z-index value, simply update the zIndex property in your style object.

const styles = { zIndex: 10 };

  1. Use z-index with position: In order for z-index to work in React.js, your element must have a position property. You can set the position property to relative, absolute, or fixed, depending on your needs.

const styles = { position: 'relative', zIndex: 10 };

  1. Use z-index with multiple components: If you have multiple components that need to be stacked on top of each other, you can use z-index to control their order. Simply apply different z-index values to each component's style object.

const styles = { position: 'relative', zIndex: 1 }; const styles2 = { position: 'relative', zIndex: 2 }; <div> <div style={styles}> // Your first component's content here </div> <div style={styles2}> // Your second component's content here </div> </div>

Official Documentation:

For more information about using z-index in React.js, please refer to the official React documentation on CSS in JS:

Conclusion: By using z-index in your React.js components, you can control the display order of elements and create more dynamic user interfaces. Be sure to follow these steps and use z-index responsibly to avoid overlapping content that could affect the user experience.

Our Svelte.JS Training Course will cover everything you need to master Svelte.js Course is here:  Svelte.js

About the author: Daniel West

Tech Blogger & Researcher for JBI Training

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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