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How to Optimize C++ Code for Better Performance

20 April 2023

How to Optimize C++ Code for Better Performance


C++ is a powerful and widely-used programming language that can be used to create fast and efficient software. However, even the best-written C++ code can be optimized further to achieve even better performance. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most effective techniques for optimizing C++ code to achieve better performance, including avoiding unnecessary copying, using the appropriate data structures, optimizing loops and control structures, and leveraging compiler optimizations. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to write optimized C++ code that runs faster and more efficiently.

Section 1: Avoid Unnecessary Copying

One of the most common sources of inefficiency in C++ code is unnecessary copying of objects. This can happen when objects are passed by value instead of by reference, when temporary objects are created unnecessarily, or when objects are copied more times than necessary. To avoid unnecessary copying in your C++ code, consider the following techniques:

1.1. Use Pass-by-Reference Instead of Pass-by-Value When you pass an object by value in C++, the entire object is copied, which can be time-consuming if the object is large. To avoid this, consider passing objects by reference instead. This way, only a pointer to the object is passed, which is much faster than copying the entire object.

For example, consider the following code:

void do_something(const std::vector<int>& v) { // Do something with the vector }

Here, we're passing the vector v by reference, which is much faster than passing it by value.

1.2. Use const References When you pass an object by reference, it's important to mark it as const if you don't intend to modify it. This allows the compiler to optimize the code better, as it knows that the object won't change.

For example, consider the following code:

void do_something(const std::vector<int>& v) { // Do something with the vector }

Here, we're passing the vector v by const reference, which allows the compiler to optimize the code better.

1.3. Use Move Semantics When you need to pass an object that you no longer need, consider using move semantics instead of copying the object. Move semantics allow you to transfer ownership of an object to a new location without actually copying it.

For example, consider the following code:

std::vector<int> v1 = {1, 2, 3}; std::vector<int> v2 = std::move(v1);

Here, we're using move semantics to transfer ownership of v1 to v2, which is much faster than copying the entire vector.

1.4. Avoid Unnecessary Temporary Objects Temporary objects are created when you perform operations on objects that return a new object, such as concatenating two strings. To avoid unnecessary temporary objects, consider using in-place operations or moving objects instead of creating new ones.

For example, consider the following code:

std::string str1 = "Hello"; std::string str2 = "World"; std::string str3 = str1 + str2; // Creates a temporary object std::string str4; str4.reserve(str1.length() + str2.length()); // Reserve space for the concatenated string str4 = std::move(str1); // Move str1 into str4 str4 += str2; // Append str2 to str4

Here, we're avoiding the creation of a temporary object by using move semantics and in-place concatenation.

By following these techniques, you can avoid unnecessary copying in your C++ code and improve its performance.

Utilize the Appropriate Data Types

Using the correct data types can significantly improve the performance of your C++ code. Choosing data types that are too small or too large can lead to unnecessary memory allocation and can cause performance issues.

For example, using int when you only need to store small positive integers is not efficient as it reserves more memory than required. In such cases, using unsigned short or unsigned char is more suitable.

Similarly, when dealing with floating-point numbers, using float instead of double can save memory and improve performance if the precision required is not too high.

Using the correct data types can also prevent type conversions during runtime, which can cause performance overhead. For example, using a std::string instead of a char* can avoid the need for type conversion when passing strings between functions.

It's essential to carefully select the appropriate data types for your code to ensure optimal performance.

Here's an example of how using an appropriate data type can improve performance:

// Inefficient code: for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) { float x = i / 1000.0; // ... } // Efficient code: for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) { float x = i / 1000.0f; // ... }

In the above example, using an int data type for the loop counter and a double data type for the division operation would be less efficient than using an unsigned short and float data types, respectively.

Choosing the appropriate data types can make a significant difference in the performance of your C++ code. Be sure to analyze your code and select the most suitable data types for your specific needs.

Next, we'll discuss another optimization technique: optimizing loops.

Optimize Loops

Another area to focus on when optimizing C++ code is loops. Loops are an essential part of any program, but they can also be a source of inefficiency if not optimized correctly. Here are some tips for optimizing loops in C++:

1. Use pre-increment or pre-decrement operators

When iterating through a loop, it's more efficient to use pre-increment or pre-decrement operators instead of post-increment or post-decrement operators. The reason for this is that pre-increment and pre-decrement operators don't have to create a temporary object, as opposed to post-increment and post-decrement operators, which do.

Here's an example:


// Post-increment operator for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // ... } // Pre-increment operator for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // ... }

2. Avoid function calls inside loops

Function calls inside loops can be a significant source of inefficiency, especially if the function is called repeatedly. It's best to move any function calls outside the loop or inline the function if possible.

Here's an example:


// Function call inside loop for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::cout << calculate(i) << std::endl; } // Function call outside loop for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int result = calculate(i); std::cout << result << std::endl; } // Inlined function inline int calculate(int i) { return i * i; }

3. Use range-based loops where possible

Range-based loops, introduced in C++11, provide a simpler and more efficient way to iterate through containers. They can be especially useful when iterating through arrays or vectors.

Here's an example:


std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Traditional loop for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { std::cout << *it << std::endl; } // Range-based loop for (int i : v) { std::cout << i << std::endl; }

By following these tips, you can optimize your loops to improve the performance of your C++ code.


Optimizing C++ code for better performance is an essential skill for any developer. By focusing on areas such as memory management, data structures, and loops, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your code. Keep in mind that optimization is a continuous process, and there's always room for improvement. With practice and experience, you'll become more proficient at identifying and addressing performance issues in your C++ programs.

Minimize Dynamic Memory Allocation

Dynamic memory allocation is a powerful feature in C++, but it can also be expensive. Memory allocation can take a lot of time, especially for large amounts of memory, and can also result in fragmentation of the memory. Fragmentation can occur when blocks of memory are allocated and deallocated in an unpredictable way, causing the memory to become fragmented and difficult to allocate.

One way to minimize dynamic memory allocation is to use a memory pool. A memory pool is a preallocated block of memory that can be used to allocate objects. By using a memory pool, you can reduce the number of memory allocations and deallocations, which can improve performance.

Another way to minimize dynamic memory allocation is to use stack allocation. Stack allocation is much faster than heap allocation because it doesn't involve the overhead of dynamic memory allocation. Stack allocation is limited by the amount of available stack space, so it's best used for small objects.

Finally, consider using smart pointers instead of raw pointers. Smart pointers can manage the memory of the objects they point to, which can help reduce memory leaks and improve performance. They can also be used to automatically deallocate memory when an object goes out of scope.

By minimizing dynamic memory allocation, you can improve the performance of your C++ code.

Minimize Memory Allocation and Deallocation

Memory allocation and deallocation are two costly operations that can impact the performance of your C++ code. In some cases, the cost of memory allocation and deallocation can even exceed the cost of the algorithm itself. To optimize your C++ code, you should minimize the number of times memory is allocated and deallocated.

One way to minimize memory allocation and deallocation is to use pre-allocated memory pools. Pre-allocated memory pools are regions of memory that are allocated at the beginning of the program and then used throughout the program's execution. By pre-allocating memory, you can avoid the overhead of memory allocation and deallocation during runtime.

Another way to minimize memory allocation and deallocation is to reuse memory that has already been allocated. For example, you can reuse memory that was previously used by an object that is no longer needed. By reusing memory, you can avoid the overhead of memory allocation and deallocation.

You can also use smart pointers to manage memory allocation and deallocation. Smart pointers are objects that automatically manage the lifetime of dynamically allocated memory. By using smart pointers, you can avoid the need to manually allocate and deallocate memory, reducing the risk of memory leaks and other memory-related issues.

It's important to note that minimizing memory allocation and deallocation can be a tradeoff between memory usage and performance. Pre-allocating memory pools and reusing memory can increase memory usage, which may not be desirable in memory-constrained environments. As with any optimization, it's important to measure the performance impact and determine whether the tradeoff is worthwhile.

Here's an example of using pre-allocated memory pools in C++:

#include <iostream> #include <vector> const int POOL_SIZE = 1000000; class Object { public: Object() {} virtual ~Object() {} // Define new and delete operators that use the pre-allocated memory pool. void* operator new(size_t size) { if (size != sizeof(Object)) { return ::operator new(size); } if (freeList == nullptr) { allocatePool(); } void* memory = freeList; freeList = *(void**)memory; return memory; } void operator delete(void* memory) { *(void**)memory = freeList; freeList = memory; } // Declare a static memory pool. static char pool[POOL_SIZE]; private: static void* freeList; static void allocatePool() { freeList = pool; char* current = pool; for (int i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE - sizeof(Object); i += sizeof(Object)) { *(void**)current = current + sizeof(Object); current += sizeof(Object); } *(void**)current = nullptr; } }; char Object::pool[POOL_SIZE]; void* Object::freeList = nullptr; int main() { std::vector<Object*> objects; // Allocate objects using the pre-allocated memory pool. for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) { objects.push_back(new Object); } // Deallocate objects using the delete operator. for (auto& object : objects) { delete object; } return 0; }

In this example, we define a Object class with custom new and delete operators that use a pre-allocated memory pool. We declare a static pool array with a size of POOL_SIZE, which is pre-allocated memory that will be used for object allocation. When an object is created with new, the Object class

Avoid Unnecessary Object Creation

In C++, creating new objects can be an expensive operation, particularly if they are large or complex. To optimize your code for better performance, you should avoid unnecessary object creation wherever possible.

One common example of unnecessary object creation is when passing parameters to functions. If a function takes a parameter by value, a new copy of the object will be created each time the function is called. This can be especially problematic if the object is large or has a complex constructor, as the overhead of creating a new copy can become significant.

To avoid unnecessary object creation when passing parameters, consider passing parameters by reference instead. This allows the function to work with the original object rather than a new copy, which can help improve performance. For example:

void foo(const MyObject& obj) { // do something with obj } MyObject obj; foo(obj);

In this example, foo takes a parameter of type MyObject by const reference, which means that it can access the original object passed to it without creating a new copy.

Another common example of unnecessary object creation is when using temporary objects. For example, consider the following code:

int result = MyObject(1, 2, 3).calculate();

In this code, a temporary MyObject is created with the values (1, 2, 3), and then its calculate method is called. Once the method returns, the temporary object is destroyed. This can be inefficient, particularly if the calculate method is expensive or the MyObject constructor is complex.

To avoid unnecessary object creation when using temporary objects, consider using move semantics or avoiding the use of temporary objects altogether. For example, you could rewrite the above code as follows:

MyObject obj(1, 2, 3); int result = obj.calculate();

In this code, a MyObject is created with the values (1, 2, 3) and assigned to the variable obj. The calculate method is then called on this object, without the need for a temporary object.

By avoiding unnecessary object creation, you can help to optimize your C++ code for better performance.


Optimizing C++ code for better performance can be a challenging task, but there are many techniques you can use to achieve this goal. From using the right data types to avoiding unnecessary copying and object creation, there are many strategies you can employ to help make your code run faster and more efficiently.

By taking the time to optimize your code and experiment with different techniques, you can help to create software that runs faster, uses fewer resources, and delivers a better user experience. Whether you are developing a small application or a complex system, optimizing your C++ code for better performance is an essential step in creating high-quality, reliable software.

Avoiding Virtual Functions When Possible

Virtual functions are a powerful feature in C++ that allow for polymorphism, but they come with a cost. Every virtual function call requires a look-up in the virtual function table, which can slow down performance. In cases where the benefits of polymorphism are not needed, it is best to avoid virtual functions altogether.

One way to avoid virtual functions is to use templates. Templates allow you to write generic code that can be compiled for different types at compile time. This can lead to faster code as the compiler can optimize the code for each specific type. For example, consider the following code that calculates the sum of two numbers:

template <typename T> T sum(T a, T b) { return a + b; } int main() { int x = 1, y = 2; double d1 = 1.5, d2 = 2.5; int result1 = sum(x, y); // calls sum<int> double result2 = sum(d1, d2); // calls sum<double> }

In this example, the sum function is defined as a template that takes a type T as a parameter. The function then returns the sum of a and b, which can be any type that supports the + operator. When sum is called with two int arguments, the compiler generates code that calls sum<int> with the int template parameter, and when it is called with two double arguments, it generates code that calls sum<double> with the double template parameter. The resulting code is optimized for each specific type, leading to better performance.

Another way to avoid virtual functions is to use function pointers. A function pointer is a variable that points to a function, allowing you to call the function indirectly. By using function pointers, you can avoid the overhead of the virtual function table look-up. For example, consider the following code:

class Shape { public: virtual double area() const = 0; }; class Circle : public Shape { public: double area() const override { return 3.14 * radius_ * radius_; } private: double radius_; }; class Square : public Shape { public: double area() const override { return width_ * height_; } private: double width_, height_; }; int main() { Circle c{ 1.0 }; Square s{ 2.0, 3.0 }; double (Shape::*area_fn)() const = &Shape::area; double c_area = (c.*area_fn)(); double s_area = (s.*area_fn)(); }

In this example, we have a Shape base class with a pure virtual area function, and two derived classes Circle and Square that implement the area function. To call the area function for an object of either class, we can use a function pointer to the area function. The area_fn variable is defined as a pointer to a member function of the Shape class that takes no arguments and returns a double. We then set area_fn to point to the area function of either Circle or Square. We can then call the area function for each object by dereferencing the function pointer with the object pointer and invoking the function call operator. This avoids the overhead of the virtual function table look-up.

However, it is worth noting that function pointers are not always faster than virtual functions, as the performance difference depends on the specific use.

Use Better Algorithms and Data Structures

One of the biggest factors in improving the performance of your C++ code is selecting the right algorithms and data structures for the task at hand. In some cases, a simple change in algorithm or data structure can lead to significant improvements in performance.

For example, if you need to search for an element in a large array, a linear search would have a time complexity of O(n), which could be too slow for large datasets. However, using a binary search algorithm would have a time complexity of O(log n), making it much faster for large datasets. Similarly, selecting the right data structure for your task, such as a hash table or binary tree, can greatly impact performance.

Another way to improve performance is to consider parallel algorithms and data structures. Parallel algorithms and data structures can take advantage of multi-core CPUs and increase performance by executing multiple tasks simultaneously. For example, the C++ standard library provides parallel versions of several algorithms such as std::for_each, std::transform, and std::sort, which can be used to take advantage of multi-core CPUs.

In addition to selecting the right algorithms and data structures, it's important to analyze the performance of your code to identify bottlenecks and areas that need optimization. Profiling tools, such as gprof and valgrind, can help identify performance bottlenecks and guide your optimization efforts.

By using better algorithms and data structures, and taking advantage of parallel algorithms and data structures, you can greatly improve the performance of your C++ code.

Use Efficient Data Structures

Another way to optimize C++ code for better performance is to use efficient data structures. Choosing the right data structure can have a significant impact on the performance of your code.

For example, when working with large collections of data, using a vector or an array can be faster than using a list. Vectors and arrays provide direct access to elements, allowing for constant time access, while lists require iterating over the elements, resulting in linear time access.

Similarly, when working with associative containers such as maps and sets, consider using unordered_map and unordered_set instead. These containers provide constant time lookup for average case scenarios, which can be significantly faster than the logarithmic time lookup provided by the standard map and set containers.

It's important to note that different data structures have different strengths and weaknesses, so it's crucial to choose the appropriate one for the task at hand. Additionally, keep in mind that the performance of a data structure can also depend on the specific use case, such as the size of the data and the types of operations being performed.

Here's an example of using an efficient data structure to optimize code:


#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> int main() { // Create a vector of integers std::vector<int> nums = { 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5 }; // Count the frequency of each number using an unordered_map std::unordered_map<int, int> freq; for (int num : nums) { freq[num]++; } // Print the frequency of each number for (const auto& [num, count] : freq) { std::cout << num << ": " << count << std::endl; } return 0; }

In this example, we use a vector to store a collection of integers, and an unordered_map to count the frequency of each integer. By using an unordered_map, we achieve constant time lookup for the frequency of each number, resulting in faster performance than using a standard map.

Utilize Parallelism

Another way to optimize C++ code for better performance is to utilize parallelism. Parallelism refers to the ability to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, which can result in significant speed improvements for programs that can be broken down into smaller, independent tasks.

C++ provides several libraries and constructs for implementing parallelism, including the thread library, OpenMP, and Intel TBB. These libraries and constructs enable developers to write code that can execute tasks simultaneously on multiple cores or processors.

For example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to use the thread library to create two threads that execute two different functions concurrently:

#include <iostream> #include <thread> void foo() { std::cout << "Hello from foo()" << std::endl; } void bar() { std::cout << "Hello from bar()" << std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t1(foo); std::thread t2(bar); t1.join(); t2.join(); return 0; }

In this example, the foo() and bar() functions are executed in parallel by two separate threads. The join() method is used to wait for both threads to complete before the program terminates.

Additionally, OpenMP provides a simple and powerful way to add parallelism to C++ code using compiler directives. For example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to use OpenMP to parallelize a loop:

#include <iostream> #include <omp.h> int main() { const int n = 1000000; int sum = 0; #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sum += i; } std::cout << "Sum: " << sum << std::endl; return 0; }

In this example, the loop is executed in parallel by multiple threads, with the reduction clause used to ensure that each thread maintains its own local copy of the sum variable and then adds its local copy to the global sum variable once the loop is complete.

By utilizing parallelism, developers can significantly improve the performance of their C++ code by taking advantage of the available processing power of modern multi-core processors.


Optimizing C++ code for better performance is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the language, its libraries, and its runtime environment. However, by following the best practices outlined in this article, developers can improve the performance of their C++ code and make it run faster and more efficiently.

Remember to measure the performance of your code before and after making optimizations to ensure that the changes you make actually result in performance improvements. Happy coding!

Optimizing C++ code for better performance can be a challenging task, but it's crucial for achieving faster and more efficient software. By following the tips outlined in this article, such as avoiding unnecessary copying, reducing function call overhead, and using appropriate data structures and algorithms, you can significantly improve the performance of your C++ code.

Remember to profile your code regularly to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, and be mindful of the trade-offs between performance and readability when making changes to your code.

By implementing these optimizations and continuously seeking ways to improve your code, you can create high-performance software that meets the demands of modern computing.

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Here are some official documentation links for C++ optimization techniques:

  1. C++ Reference:
  2. LLVM Language Reference:
  3. Intel C++ Compiler User Guide:
  4. Microsoft Visual C++ Optimization Guide:
  5. GCC Optimization Options:
  6. Clang Optimization Options:

These resources provide in-depth information about various C++ optimization techniques and how to use them effectively.

About the author: Daniel West

Tech Blogger & Researcher for JBI Training

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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