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Technology trends, Big data management with Python, ML, AI and Power BI.

25 September 2019

The Latest Tech Trends Sweeping UK Businesses


The IT landscape in the UK is rapidly transforming by adopting the latest tech trends. By adopting these tech trends, businesses stand to gain more insight into their data, get more value from their systems, and innovate new businesses systems fit for the digital age. Let's take a look at where businesses are focusing their attention:

Machine Learning and AI

Artificial Intelligence is frequently used as an umbrella term, under which Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) sit. Businesses in the UK are rapidly taking to incorporating ML and AI solutions because of the plethora of benefits they bring. AI solutions can automate business operations or automate the maintenance of business systems, adding more value with less manpower. ML is also starting to dominate the business landscape, slowly edging out the rules-based programming approach that has long been the status quo for the field of corporate IT.


Python is the world's fastest-growing programming language and is incredibly popular with software engineers, network engineers, data analysts, mathematicians, scientists, and accountants.  So, why is it so popular right now? Because it's easy to learn and can do things other programming languages can't, or in some cases, it can do it more efficiently. Python is playing a huge role in Big Data and Data Science, ML/AI, and analytics all over the world, but it also has great uses in other areas of IT. It can be used to build web, desktop, and mobile apps, as well as in software testing and automation.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a growing field aimed at identifying relevant and reliable information and using it to achieve better decisions faster. Using data to gain actionable business insights involves data mining, analytics, predictive modelling, and more. Businesses are now collecting data at unprecedented rates, and locked within this data is the answers to advancing the business goals. This is true whether the goal is increasing sales, improving customer service, or creating better products.

Power BI

Power BI is a visualisation tool that allows businesses to create visually stunning reports about their data so they can better identify patterns and enhance business decisions. Data is at the very heart of what makes Power BI work, and this data can come from a vast range of sources. It could come from Oracle databases to company blog posts and anything in between. The tool is extremely powerful and allows you to create reports, sophisticated dashboards, and collaborate with others about the information.

We offer courses in all of these latest tech business trends and tools because we want to provide businesses with the tools they need to advance their goals. Having a workforce that is educated and informed on how to use the latest technology can help a business adapt to a changing business landscape and better equip them for the future. In the age of data, businesses shouldn't underestimate the power of their data and it's transformative nature. That's what all of these tools or trends have in common. They utilize data to create new ways of working or new ways of interpreting the business.




About the author: Craig Hartzel
Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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