Expert-led training for your team
Rust Training Course

29 June 2022

Leading UK Media company implements Rust coding language

A major UK Media company has implemented the use of Rust code language for their web development in order to seek opportunities where safety and speed are a necessity.

Rust is a safe-system language, which means that you can be certain that it will be free from bugs when the code compiles. This is because if it detects unsafe code then, it will refuse to compile that code. This means that it is significantly easier to tackle than other languages such as C++. Moreover, Rust is a more efficient language than others and can be utilised by plugging in to existing systems to optimise the running.

JB international ran a 3 day course via Zoom, which was specified towards the objectives raised by the organisation. These included:

  • The fundamentals such as using rust tools and modules
  • Introducing ownership mechanism and borrow checker (that are in-built in the compiler), which helps Rust be a safe-system language
  • Using Types, specifically generics and traits
  • Finally, an introduction to concurrency, which means that multiple parts of the programme will operate independently. Rust also mitigates the performance reduction caused when threads run to achieve concurrency by programming in a multithreaded system. The ownership mechanism and type checking mange to remove many concurrency errors during compile time rather than runtime errors.  

The delegates enjoyed the course but their experience in rust was lower than expected and therefore, the structure of the course had to be reshuffled by the trainer in order to provide enough time for the audience to understand each section. The delegates were specifically complimentary about the trainer:

“Chris is extremely knowledgeable about his subject matter and very precise in his descriptions.” RC, Software Engineer

“The course covered a lot of material and the tutor was very pleasant and obviously very experienced at the subject.” KC, Senior Software Engineer

For more information about public and tailor-made Rust training courses:

Rust Training Course

Here are some other back-end articles:

Rust Fundamentals Course delivered to leading blockchain development company

Python Training | Python 2.7 VS Python 3.3, which is best for beginners?

Python For Developers | A Short History of the Python Language

About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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