Expert-led training for your team
Python Introduction & Advanced course

6 July 2022

Global Manufacturer turns to Python to modernise scripting and automation

A global leader in the supply of semiconductor-based solutions that tackles problems in the automotive, industrial and networks industry required training so that they can implement the use of Python. This global business is turning to python to modernise the existing scripting skills of their employees, leading to the automation of various tasks for the engineers.

The business engaged JBI Training to conduct a training programme to develop these skills. With this in mind, JBI Training arranged for a two part course to be undertaken by the delegates, starting with a 3 day Python fundamentals course that assumes no prior skills and then follow it with the next level Python Advanced course which builds upon the fundamentals. The advanced course also attracted employees with previous experience of Python. These courses took place remotely using Microsoft Teams in order for employees across EMEA region to attend.

The Semiconductor business raised several objectives that must be specified during the fundamentals:

  • A deeper investigation into aggregated types such as lists, tuples and how to manage them
  • An understanding of flow control language, which includes if statements and while loops.
  • Utilising class and object behaviour that Python is synonymous for.
  • Understanding how to use functions

For the advanced class, JBI Training offered a tailor made course, which reflected real life scenarios that a global semiconductor business might face, to improve the understanding and involvement of the delegates. This course focused on advanced language features rather than analytics, which is found in the Python for Data Analysts course. Specific scenarios were generated to accompany learning on:

  • Working with installed packages (Anaconda) and libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas
  • Writing high performance libraries that interface with other coding languages such as C++
  • Developing the ability to produce threads to enable concurrency, operating multiple parts of a code independently.
  • Understanding how to work with databases

The course was a success, with many delegates complimenting the advanced course and the trainer who dealt with difficulties such as language barriers:

“Very good course, with a lot of very interesting information about Python. Even though I've been coding in python for a while, I learned new things that will be very useful in my work.” VD, Engineer

“The training was interesting, I already had knowledge of python (self-learning) and I wanted to do this to enhance my skills. Even with the language barrier, the speech was understandable” DS, Applications manager


For more information about courses mentioned, please visit:

Python Introduction Training Course

Python Advanced Training Course 

Python for Data Analysts Training Course

Here are some other case studies you may be interested in:

Python skills help Data Scientists manipulate "Big Data"

Data science and AI for major banking group in the UK

About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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