1 July 2022
A leading Management Consultancy requested a clean coding course for JavaScript developers to improve the quality of coding related to their software development.
Clean coding is an important skill for software engineers because it is the first step on the course of developing systems. Therefore, when the code is either passed on through other stages of development or modified over time to keep it present and efficient, it must be easily testable, simple to follow and understandable. Furthermore, with each line of code that is written, there is an added risk of bugs and errors, which can be avoided if code is written with more precision.
A two day training course was developed by JBI training in conjunction with the Client team to ensure that it was a dedicated course. The client team set objectives of how they wanted to manage the complexities of code, which included reducing the amount of code affected by each design decision. This was done by providing a course with these outlines:
The course was run as a remote course via Zoom, with 5 delegates and was received very well:
“Personable and knowledgeable instructor who was fun and engaging, allowed us lots of scope for asking questions, and kept us engaged with lots of practical programming tasks and suggestions for extensions to the work of the training. For me, this course was all about depth of understanding and I didn't just get some good ideas and pointers to use right now, but also some really good resources to keep improving.” BG, Software engineer
Watch a short video about Clean Coding with JavaScript and Test Driven Development. ( TDD )
For further information regarding this course and other similar courses:
Clean coding for JavaScript training course
Clean coding for Python training course
Here are some other training courses we have run that you may find interesting:
Secure Coding skills help protect against cyber attack
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