Expert-led training for your team
Threat Modelling Training Course

9 July 2022

Threat modelling skills improve Cyber Security at Government Agency

A Government Agency undertook a number of courses on threat modelling to keep their software engineers educated on current security threats and how to observe them.  

Threat Modelling is an advanced, structured approach to cyber threats that observes potential threat scenarios in order to test the business’s systems, identify weaknesses and points of insecurity before an attack is made and create a comprehensive catalogue of the vulnerabilities. The modelling is often undertaken during the design stage but continual running of the programme must be applied to this Agency in order to prevent against new and different types of attack. This would lead the Agency to direct new IT investment into the deployment of current and future cyber security protocols.

Threat Modelling frameworks are often developed to the specific threats associated to the organisation so that the process is ran in an efficient manner but it will still be, generally, ran with the same steps. Initially considering the security and compliance requirements, then evaluating the risk profile, identifying the countermeasures and finally evaluating the changes. Therefore, the training course associated must also be tailor made towards the type of attacks potentially faced by the Agency, particularly cyber-attacks on their website.

A two day training course supplied virtually via Zoom, was implemented by JBI to complete the objectives set by the Client team:

  • To understand the concepts of threat modelling, which include threats, mitigations and risk rankings.
  • To be able to complete a threat model using the Rapid Threat Model Prototyping methodology.
  • To be able to implement RTMP in any software development process

5 delegates took part in the training and responded with positive feedback to the course:

“Overall I was happy with the course and the opportunity/time to workshop some of our own examples through the modeling process was extremely useful and important.” KM, Software engineer

“The course was well planned out and delivered clearly. The lab sessions allowed us to work out things ourselves and gave us the knowledge on how to approach certain tasks in the real world.” AN, Software Engineer

An excerpt from a 2 day JBI Threat Modelling training course showing an agile architecture session.

For further information on Cyber Security courses, please use the links below:

Threat Modelling Training Course

Cyber Security Training courses 

Other Cyber Security articles that may interest you:

Secure Coding skills help protect against cyber attack

Threat Modelling and its role within Application Security

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About the author: Craig Hartzel
Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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