20 June 2022
Agile for product owners training course was supplied to a leading communications company, which focused on understanding the agile/scrum methodology, involving constant collaboration and improvement through a cycle of planning executing and evaluating, and implementing it in the attendees’ workplace. They started by describing Agile principles and benefits and then progressed into using Scrum as a methodology for implementing Agile. They used fun, team based exercises to illustrate and reinforce the Scrum principles and practices.
The Product Owner is a member of an Agile team responsible for defining stories and is also accountable for effective Product Backlog management, which is a prioritised features list for the product. The product owner has a significant role in maximising the value of the product and ensuring Stories meet the user’s need. The Product Owner developed an understanding of Sprint planning in order for the efficiency of an agile team turning stories into tasks is optimised, this is completed using commitment-based planning. Following the Sprint planning, the Product Owners were educated in their role during an Agile Sprint, in which they must groom the backlog and finally they learnt about Agile’s technical practices such as TDD (Test Driven Development) and continuous integration. Product Owners were also taught about the roles within an Agile team, which helped them understand and manage personal interactions with better knowledge.
Teams who tried to implement scrum will sometimes do so without understanding why they are doing certain practices, because of this they sometimes miss out vital parts of the process and then become discouraged when scrum does not give them the results they expect. We encouraged attendees to ask questions about implementation and to share their own experiences of implementing scrum in their current or previous workplaces. We will discuss what happened and try to work out if the problem was with the process practice or with trying to apply scrum to projects where it was not best suited.
12 delegates took part in this course and responded with positive feedback, with some interested in taking Scrum certifications following the sessions:
“The presenter proposed a very interesting and enriching content. Practical exercises in between training content were a good idea to make this course more lively and engage everyone into concrete use cases.” BC, Software Engineer
“Good interactions with the trainer who always took time to answer questions and provide guidance even for specific cases” RA, Software Engineer
For further information on these types of courses, see the links below:
Agile for Product Owners training course
For further interesting articles related to this one:
Agile & Scrum - Some thoughts...
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