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Maui Training Course

3 August 2022

International IT services company adopts Maui for mobile app development

An international IT services company requested JBI to run a training course on the new .NET framework Maui. The Maui framework is taking over from Xamarin.forms for the development of mobile applications and can be written in the multi-purpose language C#. Similarly to Xamarin, Maui is a cross-platform framework that can develop apps with native performance qualities. However, Maui introduces APIs that allow engineers to build applications on a single code base but use it on any environment, whereas Xamarin would require a different code for each platform.

The IT services company offers an end to end service helping their client through the development, building and roll out of their project. Therefore, they must keep up to date with all the new development frameworks to best help their client and, with every passing day, more users are accessing and using businesses platforms via mobile applications. Thus businesses must find more efficient methods to create and develop applications for all the major platforms. Consequently, the simple cross-platform framework that Maui possesses is integral for the IT services company to build modern projects. Furthermore, building and managing native applications can be expensive but since Maui will build them all simultaneously, significant amounts of money will be saved. Maui will also be used by the IT services company for web development because it will integrate Blazor to provide full-stack cross-platform native applications.

In consultation with JBI prior to the course, the IT services company requested a tailored Maui course specified to developing certain skills, such as SQLite, linked to a project they were running, whilst also gaining an understanding of general Maui skills. In order to provide a sufficient learning experience, JBI set objectives of skills to be leant:

  • Developing GUI Applications for multiple platforms using XAML and C#
  • Learn data binding, principles and elements
  • Develop a working understanding of work with model view view-model (MVVW)
  • Introducing and providing an in depth session on SQLite

JBI ran an intensive 2 day course via Zoom for two delegates. Following the course, positive feedback was received from both attendees:

“I thought the course was good. It validated and enhanced my current knowledge and understanding of the aspects of Maui. It is such a new framework, that it is great that this course is available.” TL, Lead Software Engineer

“Found it very useful. I particularly found the SQLite part and the MVVW part interesting.” SE, Software Engineer

For further information on courses, please see below:

Maui Training Course

Xamarin Training Course

Blazor Training Course 

Other articles related to this training course: 

Xamarin training course provided to new graduates at UK risk management company

Top 5 Pain Points for Blazor Developers

About the author: Craig Hartzel
Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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