Expert-led training for your team
TypeScript Training Course

4 August 2022

Major UK news outlet adds TypeScript to Front End developer skills

A major UK media outlet needed to acquire new TypeScript skills to their front-end web development teams and requested that JBI provides training to this end.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning that all of the company’s JavaScript code is valid in TypeScript but JavaScript does not contain as many features for development. Moreover, Typescript trans compiles to JavaScript at run time, which means it is understandable and operational on browsers. This is important to the company who run a large proportion of their outlet via web browsers. One of the features that TypeScript possesses is strong static typing, which analyses the code during the compilation stage and an error will halt you. This is beneficial for large scale applications because when the code becomes large and complex to handle, more errors occur and it is advantageous to prevent a mistake than have to rectify one. TypeScript also supports object-oriented coding such as classes and inheritance, which enables simplified, organised, scalable code to be developed. For a company with such a large audience, this is integral to developing high quality applications and therefore the switch to TypeScript is important. TypeScript also supports the use of ECMAScript that offers easier syntax for object-orientated programming.

In consultation with the UK media outlet and the instructor, JBI curated an intensive two day course filled with interesting content, exercises and demonstrations that had been tailored to the demands of the outlet to provide better engagement from the delegates. To ensure that the delegates return from the training course with sufficient knowledge, several objectives were put in place:

  • To review modern JavaScript so that the group is confident in Script writing style
  • To provide an introduction to TypeScript, including working with classes and interfaces and debugging TypeScript
  • Explore the React template language and JavaScript template language.
  • Build blocks of modern web applications with components and test them

The training course occurred virtually via Zoom on this occasion but previous TypeScript courses ran with this company and others have also been completed remotely. Around 10 delegates took part in the training course and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, which was dictated to JBI through feedback forms completed at the end of the course:

“The instructor was great, very knowledgeable and was ready to answer anyone's questions. The structure of working through the react project was good and the commits to the repo were structured in a way where it will be easy to go back and review topics.” LM, Software Engineer

“Very in depth, interactive and the instructor was knowledgeable and approachable. It covered a lot of detail about Typescript that will be useful to me, and the trainer obviously knows a lot about the subject.” PW, Senior Product Owner

Here is a video  overview of Typescript debugging, as would be covered on JBI’s Typescript for React 3 day Training course.

For further information on training courses, please visit:

TypeScript Training Course

ECMAScript Training Course

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About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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