Expert-led training for your team
BBC Secure Coding

13 October 2017

Secure Coding skills help protect against cyber attack

The BBC, who have a very substantial investment in technology, were keen to improve the quality of software development: to instil developers with the mindset of taking greater responsibility for the quality of code being produced, and adopting industry best practices for secure coding within the context of the BBC's security strategy.

The number of developers was approximately 300 and locations were split across the UK. Most had a mixture of skills including Java, PHP and Javascript.

Specifically, JBI were asked to consider the BBC’s Application Security initiative.

Following a series of interviews with BBC Technical Leads, JBI Training proposed the syllabus for three courses aimed at supporting Security at three levels; Security Overview for all, Application Security for Developers, Application Security for Product Owners.

Courses were very short, ranging from half-day to  two days long,

This strategic training programme needed to deliver the paradigm shift, to help developers move towards this quality mindset. To help achieve the paradigm shift charismatic, inspiring instructors were needed, with technical “gravitas”. JBI were able to provide that – and much more.

A consistent approach and skills have now been instilled and security is no longer an "after thought" .

JBI offers a full range of Application Security and Secure coding training courses -these are PCI/DSS compliant courses that follow OWASP standards, including courses developed specifically for .NET Developers or Java Developers, depending on your requirements.


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About the author: Craig Hartzel
Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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