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Mastering Modern JavaScript Styles with ES6+ and Beyond

12 September 2023

Mastering Modern JavaScript Styles with ES6+ and Beyond

JavaScript has evolved significantly since the ES6 update in 2015. ES6+ introduced major new syntax, capabilities, and paradigms to the language. This article will teach you modern JavaScript styles, best practices, and key ES6+ features to master. This is part of a series that relates to our popular course Clean Code with Javascript training. 

New ES6 Syntax and Capabilities

ES6 added many new capabilities to JavaScript:

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions provide a concise syntax and implicit returns:

    // ES5
    function sum(a, b) {
      return a + b;

    // ES6
    const sum = (a, b) => a + b;


ES6 classes provide object-oriented capabilities:

    class User {
      constructor(name) { = name;

      printName() {

Template Literals

Template literals provide an easy way to interpolate strings:

    const name = 'John';

    // ES6 
    console.log(`Hello ${name}!`) 


Destructuring allows concisely extracting values from objects/arrays:

    // ES6
    const { name, age } = user;
    const [first, second] = [1, 2];

New ES2016 to ES2020 Features

Modern JS has added more features:


Async/await provides an easier way to work with async code:

    async function init() {
      const data = await fetch(url);

Optional Chaining

Optional chaining allows access to nested properties if they exist:

    const user = {
      address: {
        street: 'Main St'


Adopting Modern JavaScript Styles

Some modern JavaScript styles include:

Asynchronous Programming

Use async/await instead of callbacks for readability.

Functional Programming

Use pure functions, avoid side effects, immutable data.

Reactive Programming

React to state changes and asynchronous data flows.

Tools and Best Practices

Modern JavaScript leverages new tools and practices like:

JavaScript Modules

Encapsulate code into reusable modules that can be imported.


TypeScript adds types to JavaScript for easier scaling.


JSX allows writing HTML-like syntax in React code.

Linting and Formatting

Use ESLint and Prettier to enforce code quality and style.


Learning modern ES6+ JavaScript syntax and styles will make you a more effective developer. This article summarized some key capabilities to learn. Dive deeper into each topic and leverage modern tools to build better applications.

f you enjoyed this article you might be interested in our article Clean Code JavaScript: 5 Best Practices for Readable Code

JBI Training specialises in providing customised training solutions for teams across large enterprise organisations. With dedicated account managers, they work closely with clients to analyse skills gaps and design targeted training programs. Courses can be delivered onsite at the organisation's offices or virtually to remote staff. The training is tailored to the organisation's specific needs and objectives. They can also develop proprietary role-based learning paths aligned to the organisation's roles and competencies.

Hands-on labs, workshops and exercises can be incorporated to reinforce practical skills. JBI's enterprise training services help upskill large numbers of staff efficiently. The customised approach strengthens capabilities across the organisation.

Whether it's programmer training, ITIL adoption or project management  JBI has experience delivering strategic training programs for large corporate clients.

Clean Code with JavaScript - 2 days

This course focuses specifically on writing clean, maintainable code with JavaScript. Through hands-on exercises, you will learn principles like:

  • Writing descriptive, intention-revealing names
  • Breaking code into small, single-purpose functions
  • Eliminating duplicate code through abstraction
  • Limiting side-effects for purity and predictability
  • Adding meaningful comments for documentation

The instructor will demonstrate refactoring messy code into well-structured, legible code. You'll learn JavaScript-specific standards like Airbnb's style guide.

Other courses that may be of interest are 

JavaScript (Advanced)

This advanced JavaScript course builds on basic knowledge to cover advanced topics like OOP, design patterns, ES6/ES7 features, module loaders, build tools, testing and more. Gain skills to develop complex JavaScript applications.

ECMAScript 6 Introduction - 

This introduction to ECMAScript 6/ES6 training covers the major features of the ES6 JavaScript specification. Learn syntax for variables, arrow functions, classes, promise handling, iterators, generators and more.

Node.js - 

This comprehensive Node.js course teaches building web servers and applications with Node. Covers modules, npm, Express, MongoDB/database integration, microservices, testing, deployment and more through hands-on labs.

React - 

This practical React training course teaches building dynamic web UIs with React. Learn key concepts like components, JSX, state management, Hooks API, React Router, testing and more through real-world examples and labs.


About the author: Daniel West

Tech Blogger & Researcher for JBI Training

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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