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scrum training online | Coding in the Business World

5 December 2017

Scrum Training Online - Coding in the Business World

Learning to code has become an essential tool in the business world, and arming employees with basic coding skills is having vast amounts of benefits for businesses. Coding is becoming easier, with the emergence of simple but powerful languages such as python, which act as a gateway for beginners to understand the foundations of programming and move onto more complex languages and concepts. Not only is it become easier to learn to code, but accessibility to learning resources has drastically increased with secure coding training, python for data scientists, scrum training online, and many more courses available from companies such as JBI.

Despite what you may have been led to believe, learning to code is not a very time consuming activity. Even dedicating an hour a day to learn a new coding concept and putting it into practice will slowly but surely boost your overall proficiency, and will no doubt make you more competent in the workplace, for example:

    -  You may develop Visual Basic scripts to automate part of your                             administrative work
    -  Python for data scientists is a great tool that could allow for a better               analysis of business data and the creation of more accurate reports
     - Secure coding training could make you more aware of potential threats         to the software solutions used by the business, allowing for                                   preventative measure to be taken

The financial benefits brought to a business when a business owner or a current employee learns to code are significant, possibly saving the business tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of pounds. For example, if a business were in need of a new software system for record keeping, and one of their employees had recently completed the relevant training courses to learn to program, their skills could be put to use along with the already existing IT personnel, in order to develop the new system. This allows the business to cut out the cost of either outsourcing the development of the software solution, or contracting/hiring a new developer to join the company and build the system. Furthermore, after the completion of the software solution, the business will be able to use this employee to maintain the system, as he/she will have a detailed knowledge of the nuances of the new system and could therefore effectively maintain it.

It is clear that learning to code can benefit just about anyone or any business. As previously mentioned, coding is becoming easier than ever. Make sure to learn programming now while it’s in highly demand! Find your course today on JBI.


For more more information about our range of courses: 

     - Python Course

     - BizTalk Server Development Course

     - Python for Data Scientists Training

About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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