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Agile Scrum Training | 2 Reasons for Developers to be using Scrum- part 2

18 December 2017

Agile Scrum Training - 2 Reasons for Developers to be using Scrum (Part 2)

Reduced risk through incremental development

The iterative core of Scrum is characterised through incremental development, which is where the product becomes closer and closer to completion after each iteration. A product backlog is a repository of all the functional requirements that the product must comply with. After the product backlog has been defined, the duration of the iterations is chosen after taking into account the complexity, the customer’s needs and the development team’s capacity. These iterations are known as sprints. Before a sprint is carried out, sprint planning must first take place:

1.Product owner explains to the team the most valued requirements, in order to be delivered to the customer at the end of the sprint. This is because the product owner has the product vision and can therefore prioritise the requirements by order of more business value for the customer.

2. The team must solve any question about the requirements explained by the product owner and then estimate the effort needed, splitting each requirement up into technical tasks to be done.

3. The product owner should agree on what the product should look like at the end of the sprint, so that the developers and the product owner are on the same page. This agreement should be a list of criteria that both parties can go through at the end of the iteration to ensure that everything has been completed as decided.

3. Once the estimation has been done and the requirements have been agreed on, all the relevant information for the sprint is added to the sprint backlog. The sprint backlog is a repository that contains the Product Backlog elements selected to be done in the current sprint, as well as the plan to achieve that.

4. At the conclusion of sprint value must be delivered, with new functionalities or changes introduced into the product. This is known as the increment, a potentially shippable part of the product that can be tested and used by the customer.

The benefits of the scrum framework allow developers to increase the speed of development, while reducing the risk of building a product that is not desired by the customer, in a simple but effective way. To get started with a Scrum course today, and acquire the relevant agile scrum training, visit JBI!


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About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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