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React vs Angular | JBI Training | London UK

16 January 2018

React vs Angular - which framework and therefore which Training Course?

React vs Angular which framework best for my organisation Speed, security and extensibility are the hallmarks of a great web service, and your choice of scripting languages and libraries will have a major impact on each of these factors. Currently, there are two Javascript technologies attracting a lot of attention – Angular and React.


Both libraries have been proven in high profile production environments, making it harder to choose which would be right for your project. So here we compare the two to help you decide which Javascript programming library your developers should train in.


What are we trying to do?

The key to any successful application development project is to first define the outcomes. What is the application or website supposed to do? Do you need to consider mobile device use alongside traditional PCs? Are there any non-functional requirements to consider? And what data do you need to capture and display?


Answering these questions is an important step towards choosing between Angular training, or a React developer training course. The Angular framework contains everything required to build the client-side of a website for instance. React is much more specialised however, concerned only with rendering views of dynamic content drawn from your data sets.


Who are we targeting?

The potential user base for your app/website is also important. What devices will they be using? And what technical considerations surround these devices?


Thanks to annual smartphone upgrade cycles, consumers in developed markets are less likely to be behind the technology curve. But in developing markets it is perfectly possible that users are reliant on “outdated” devices. Importantly, React does not support any web browser pre-Internet Explorer 8, leaving Angular the only choice for older devices.


Who drives development of these libraries?

React was developed by Facebook and Instagram to create an infinite scrolling timeline view. Angular Is Google’s framework for building high performance apps and websites that run on a wide range of devices. As such, both retain responsibility for the JavaScript libraries.


As well as Google themselves, high profile Angular users include WIX, and Airbnb, Netflix and Twitter are among the high-profile implementations of React. Both libraries have healthy developer communities and long-term development roadmaps.


One other thing to consider

The use of Angular and React is not mutually exclusive. Your developers can use both libraries in their projects to create a scalable, responsive web front end that meets the needs of your users. It may be that training developers in both Angular and React is the smartest choice, rather than making an unnecessary “either/or” decision.


“Angular and React are both incredibly valuable JavaScript resources for modern app development, and there’s a good arguments for using both. By ensuring you have established a proper use case first, the choice of library - and developer training requirements - is far easier” - Nick Gibson, Head of Web Development at JB International.


To learn more about Angular and React training courses, please get in touch.

About the author: Craig Hartzel

Craig is a self-confessed geek who loves to play with and write about technology. Craig's especially interested in systems relating to e-commerce, automation, AI and Analytics.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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